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141 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Short Story of Contemporary Art

Hodge, Susie
The Short Story of Contemporary Art
The Short Story of Contemporary Art is a must-read introduction to this exciting and important period from bestselling author and art historian Susie Hodge. This fascinating pocket guide to art explains the how, why and when of contemporary art - who introduced certain techniques or genres, and why these matter. Simply constructed, the book explores 40 key works - from the iconic sculpture of Barbara Hepworth to the street art of Keith Haring ...

CHF 26.90

The Elements of Art

Hodge, Susie
The Elements of Art
Packed with useful tips for gallery browsing, The Elements of Art takes the world's greatest artworks and makes them easy for anyone to understand.

CHF 28.50

Art Heist

Hodge, Susie
Art Heist
Art Heist is a gallery of the most famous stolen artworks that have never been recovered and an examination of the heists and their subsequent investigations.

CHF 35.50

Gustav Klimt Masterpieces of Art

Hodge, Susie
Gustav Klimt Masterpieces of Art
New edition of Gustav Klimt in the popular Masterpieces of Art series.Gustav Klimt, well known for his sensual, arresting depictions of women (The Kiss, Fulfillment, The Tree of Life), was a founder of the Viennese Secession movement at the turn of the 20th century, Vienna's own Art Nouveau. His extravagant work, was an obsessive manifestation of the dazzling intellectual society of his time and he painted very large canvases combining oils wi...

CHF 23.90

Artists at Home

Hodge, Susie
Artists at Home
This book showcases the quiet retreats,  creative hubs,  lifelong homes and holiday escapes of some key artistic figures. It introduces readers to each artist's life and work, placing the significance of the home at the heart of their practice before exploring how each residency both reflected and inspired the artist's creative output.

CHF 51.50

How to Draw: Kittens

Hodge, Susie
How to Draw: Kittens
Learn to draw 28 cuddly kittens from scratch in 6 easy steps. Choose your new best friend from this cuddly collection of 28 playful kittens. Best-selling artist Susie Hodge teaches you to transform simple shapes into 28 adorable furry felines in a range of playful poses. There are 28 different kittens to draw: each project starts with a few basic outlines and progresses into a finished tonal drawingwith a final colored version showing you how ...

CHF 9.90

Große Kunstgeschichten. Hokusai

Hodge, Susie / Wagner, Claudia / Ekdahl, Kim
Große Kunstgeschichten. Hokusai
Auf den Spuren von Katsushika Hokusai: Kinder entdecken seine Welt Das Meer und die Berge: Die Kunstwerke und Holzschnitte des japanischen Künstlers Hokusai sind weltberühmt - insbesondere "Die große Welle vor Kanagawa". Doch was für ein Leben führte der große Künstler? Mit dieser eindrucksvoll illustrierten Biografie tauchen die Kinder nicht nur in das Leben des inspirierenden Malers ein, sondern erhalten auch viele praktische Anregungen, de...

CHF 18.50

Just Draw!: A Creative Step-By-Step Guide for Artists

Hodge, Susie
Just Draw!: A Creative Step-By-Step Guide for Artists
This practical and accessible guide makes drawing easier than ever, offering tons of tips and tricks, as well as step-by-step projects to help you put them into practice. Just Draw! A Creative Step-by-Step Guide for Artists offers you quick and easy ways to produce effective sketches. You'll learn how to edit a landscape, still life or portrait to capture only the most essential and compelling features of the scene. With lots of projects that ...

Wie Kunst dein Leben verändern kann

Hodge, Susie
Wie Kunst dein Leben verändern kann
Wie man Kunst als Mittel zum Abbau von Stress, zur Bewältigung von Ängsten und zur Verbesserung der Gemütslage in einer Zeit nutzen kann, in der das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung des seelischen Wohlbefindens wächst Kunst kann aufschlussreich, erhebend, herausfordernd, informativ, fesselnd und amüsant sein. Sie kann aber auch therapeutisch wirken. Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie Kunst Ihre Gemütslage heben, Ihren Geist beruhigen und Ihren Stress...

CHF 28.00

Wissen für clevere Kids. Kunst für clevere Kids

Hodge, Susie / Taylor, David / Wagler, Christiane
Wissen für clevere Kids. Kunst für clevere Kids
Das große Kinderlexikon über Kunst und Künstler*innen  Willkommen in der Welt der Malerei, Fotografie und Bildhauerei! In diesem Kunstlexikon für Kinder ab 10 Jahren versammeln sich seitenweise faszinierende Fakten, Fotos und Steckbriefe über alles, was junge Kunstinteressierte wissen wollen. Ob italienische Meister der Renaissance über Landschaftsmalerei der Romantik bis zum "Schrei" von Edvard Munch: In dieser bildgewaltigen Einführung in...

CHF 34.50

How to Draw: Puppies

Hodge, Susie
How to Draw: Puppies
Learn to draw 28 playful puppies from scratch in 6 easy steps. Choose your new best friend from this cuddly collection of 28 playful puppies. Best-selling artist Susie Hodge teaches you to transform simple shapes into 28 cute and characterful puppies in a range of much-loved breeds. There are 28 different kittens to draw: each project starts with a few basic outlines and progresses into a finished tonal drawingwith a final colored version show...

CHF 9.90

Glasgow Boys Masterpieces of Art

Hodge, Susie
Glasgow Boys Masterpieces of Art
Over 100 paintings by artists based in Scotland in the early 19th Century, many influenced by the ground-breaking masterworks of James McNeil Whistler.A group of primarily Scottish artists (mainly William York Macgregor, Joseph Crawhall, George Henry, Edward Atkinson Hornel, Sir John Lavery and Arthur Melville), the Glasgow Boys were active around the turn of the 20th Century. Though they painted in a number of different styles, they are conne...

CHF 23.90

Kunst: erklärt

Hodge, Susie / Pasquay, Sarah
Kunst: erklärt
Warum malte Michelangelo die Fresken in der Sixtinische Kapelle oder war Rembrandt so besessen davon, Selbstporträts zu malen? Was ist das Geheimnis der Terrakotta-Armee oder der Suppendosen von Andy Warhol? Dieses Buch bietet unkomplizierte und klare Antworten auf 100 faszinierende und scheinbar simple Fragen. Wenn Sie jemals ein Kunstwerk im Museum bewundert und sich gefragt haben, was um Himmels willen es bedeuten soll, dann ist dies Ihr Buch.

CHF 27.90